Halcyon Healing Center, Inc.
1240 Old River Road | Carthage, NC 28327 | (910) 987-0884 (Andrea)
501(c)(3) Tax-deductible. EIN # 83-3666677
GoFundMe for Halcyon
Halcyon PayPal Donation
Even baby Nic filly supports the VFW!
What: Donations to Halcyon cover the costs of trips for participants, including lodging, relevant dining, rental fees (e.g., rafts), admission fees (e.g., tickets), counseling services (e.g., sessions during off-site excursions), supplies (e.g., water/sports drinks, lumber, plants, art materials), and care for the respective Halcyon animals (e.g., hay, grain, grooming supplies, Recon’s raisins and Ranger’s graham crackers).
Who & Why: The program is funded entirely by donations at this time. Whether it is covering expenses for a buddy in the military, a family member, or a friend, or choosing to help fund an excursion or “sponsor” an animal, each dollar will go a long way. Additionally, this helps to keep the momentum growing for creating change and positive understanding in the community regarding trauma experiences, healing, and the positive effects of flow states and decompression. This is a return to authenticity, and we truly want you to be part of the team.
How: At this time, Halcyon has a nonprofit PayPal account for secure online donations. Checks are welcome, and can be mailed to the Carthage address listed above. Donations made in memorium or in honor of an individual are certainly welcome; please simply include a note.
Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-814-5400. The license is not an endorsement by the State.
Email Communications
General inquiries: 2019hhc@gmail.com
Andrea St.Hilaire: andrea@halcyonhc.org
Form Submission
To be kept updated with events, activities, and ongoing plans, please complete this form. Constructive feedback and insights are always welcome.